blkdeactivate(8) — Linux manual page


BLKDEACTIVATE(8)                                        BLKDEACTIVATE(8)

NAME         top

       blkdeactivate — utility to deactivate block devices

SYNOPSIS         top

       blkdeactivate [-d dm_options] [-e] [-h] [-l lvm_options] [-m
       mpath_options] [-r mdraid_options] [-o vdo_options] [-u] [-v]

DESCRIPTION         top

       The  blkdeactivate utility deactivates block devices. For mounted
       block devices, it attempts to  unmount  it  automatically  before
       trying  to deactivate. The utility currently supports device-map‐
       per devices (DM), including LVM volumes and software RAID MD  de‐
       vices. LVM volumes are handled directly using the lvm(8) command,
       the  rest  of  device-mapper  based devices are handled using the
       dmsetup(8) command.  MD devices are handled  using  the  mdadm(8)

OPTIONS         top

       -d|--dmoptions dm_options
              Comma separated list of device-mapper specific options.
              Accepted dmsetup(8) options are:

              retry  Retry removal several times in case of failure.

              force  Force device removal.

              Show errors reported from tools called by blkdeactivate.
              Without this option, any error messages from these exter‐
              nal tools are suppressed and the blkdeactivate itself pro‐
              vides only a summary message to indicate the device was

              Display the help text.

       -l|--lvmoptions lvm_options
              Comma-separated list of LVM specific options:

              retry  Retry removal several times in case of failure.

                     Deactivate the whole LVM Volume Group when process‐
                     ing a Logical Volume.  Deactivating the Volume
                     Group as a whole is quicker than deactivating each
                     Logical Volume separately.

       -r|--mdraidoptions mdraid_options
              Comma-separated list of MD RAID specific options:

              wait   Wait MD device's resync, recovery or reshape action
                     to complete before deactivation.

       -m|--mpathoptions mpath_options
              Comma-separated list of device-mapper multipath specific

                     Disable queueing on all multipath devices before
                     deactivation.  This avoids a situation where blkde‐
                     activate may end up waiting if all the paths are
                     unavailable for any underlying device-mapper multi‐
                     path device.

       -o|--vdooptions vdo_options
              Comma-separated list of VDO specific options:

                     Use specified VDO configuration file.

              Unmount a mounted device before trying to deactivate it.
              Without this option used, a device that is mounted is not

       -v, --verbose
              Run in verbose mode. Use -vv for even more verbose mode.

EXAMPLES         top

       Deactivate all supported block devices found in the system, skip‐
       ping mounted devices.
       # blkdeactivate

       Deactivate all supported block devices found in the system, un‐
       mounting any mounted devices first, if possible.
       # blkdeactivate -u

       Deactivate the device /dev/vg/lvol0 together with all its hold‐
       ers, unmounting any mounted devices first, if possible.
       # blkdeactivate -u /dev/vg/lvol0

       Deactivate all supported block devices found in the system. If
       the deactivation of a device-mapper device fails, retry it. Deac‐
       tivate the whole Volume Group at once when processing an LVM Log‐
       ical Volume.
       # blkdeactivate -u -d retry -l wholevg

       Deactivate all supported block devices found in the system. If
       the deactivation of a device-mapper device fails, retry it and
       force removal.
       # blkdeactivate -d force,retry

SEE ALSO         top

       dmsetup(8), lsblk(8), lvm(8), mdadm(8), multipathd(8), vdo(8),

COLOPHON         top

       This page is part of the lvm2 (Logical Volume Manager 2) project.
       Information about the project can be found at 
       ⟨⟩.  If you have a bug report for
       this manual page, see ⟨⟩.
       This page was obtained from the project's upstream Git repository
       ⟨git://⟩ on 2024-06-14.  (At that
       time, the date of the most recent commit that was found in the
       repository was 2024-06-11.)  If you discover any rendering
       problems in this HTML version of the page, or you believe there
       is a better or more up-to-date source for the page, or you have
       corrections or improvements to the information in this COLOPHON
       (which is not part of the original manual page), send a mail to

Red Hat, Inc      LVM TOOLS 2.03.15(2)-git (2021-10-20) BLKDEACTIVATE(8)

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